Ellis Jewelers
Your Hometown JewelerLocated in Frankfort, Indiana, Ellis Jewelers has been a mainstay since 1916. Online, Ellis uses a retail catalog website to showcase jewelry available at the store, in addition to giving a taste of their visually stunning interior.
Visit Website
The vibrant interior of the Ellis Jewelers store is something to behold. The website does its best to feature the modern look of the business and the experiences they have to offer their customers.
Product Catalog
Taking a step back from being a full eCommerce website, a product catalog can offer website users a way to navigate your inventory prior to coming into the store to make a purchase.
Search Marketing Optimized
Traffic for this website is generated via local SEO optimization as well as targeted search campaigns for matching keywords in the surrounding local areas.
Lead Generation
While this website may have a few options to contact the team, the primary action of this website is to generate phone calls. Users may also schedule appointments via the online form.
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